Uni-Systems is a long-standing member of the United States Green Building Council and is committed to responsible environmental stewardship through our manufacturing processes and products. The En-Fold stadium-grade retractable awning exemplifies the principles of sustainable building.
Minimalist design provides maximum areas of coverage using a minimal amount of materials and resources
Provides building occupants with access to fresh air, sunlight, and views of nature
Architectural fabric membrane has a 25+ year life expectancy and is 100% recyclable
All aluminum structural components are 100% recyclable
Stainless steel components are 100% recyclable
Durable, highly corrosion-resistant and long-lasting components ensure a long service life
Minimal maintenance requirements
Reduces the need for electrical lighting and ventilation, reducing HVAC loads
Shade cast by the system can reduce thermal gain in adjoining structures
Lightweight components for minimal energy expenditure for shipping and erection